Make Your Knowledge Sell
A Free Information Ebook
For Personal Development Professionals who Write

Make Your Knowledge Sell (MYKS!) is written by Ken Evoy, MD and Monique Harris. In the past, many readers have paid for this informative ebook. Now, I can offer it to you free of charge.
Knowledge is Power
All personal development professionals have knowledge and experience; most also have wisdom. Whatever your gems of knowledge are, others can benefit from them. You need some efficient ways to compile and write your knowledge and publish it on the Internet so that you make your knowledge sell to those who really need it.
You are repeatedly helping clients to solve problems, right? These problems fall into patterns; your solutions also fall into patterns. As you begin to see the patterns, you can more easily move from the specific situations you know from direct experience and shape them into interesting and useful strategies, techniques, and action plans for others. You leverage your knowledge, wisdom, and experience when you create a publication that can be sold again and again.
Do you already know you niche? If you do, that's great. However, you might find that by reading about the niche definitions of those in different fields, you can refine your own niche and understand it much more fully. It's important that you sharpen your writing so that it's directed to the right audience -- not to "everyone."
This book includes how to find profitable ideas, write for your e-book, package your e-book, price your e-book, and market your e-book. It includes links to resources that have been carefully selected.
Get Your Free Ebook
Find out more about this ebook. If you already know you want your own copy, simply scroll near the bottom of that page where you see the same cover image as on this page. Download it to your computer and enjoy this 179 page book.
In addition on that same page, you can also download free copies of Make Your Content PREsell! (MYCPS!) and Make Your Words Sell! (MYWS!).
As a member of Solo Build It!, I am able to offer these to you without charge. They help you to get started on your way to building a truly profitable online business. You can find out more about my own experience with Solo Build It!
Make Your Knowledge Sell is a Free Ebook published by Solo Build It!
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